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FLEXA Profile
Country: Germany
Website: www.flexa.de

Founded more than 60 years ago,
FLEXA today has some 150 staff. More than 50 trading partners and agencies in all major economic regions worldwide provide a reliable network of partners for our customers. As we are a family-run enterprise, we think in long-term strategies and welcome fairness. That’s why FLEXA is a reliable partner and relations of many years’ standing both with our highly appreciated customers and our employees are our standard.

- Corrugated
- plastic
- tubings
- ROHRflex
- Connectors
- for tubings
- ROHRflex
- Protective
- metal
- conduits
- Protective
- metal conduits
- liquid tight
- Protective
- plastic
- Conduits
- Connectors
- metal and plastic

Applicable for temperatures between – 60°C up to + 230°C,
classified up to IP 69K, resistant to solvents, liquid-tight, or with a silicone cover - no matter which protective system you require, FLEXA will certainly have a solution for your request. You will find our products in the mechanical engineering sector, in wind power stations, or in the automotive. They keep electromagnetic impacts away from data lines, they protect laser light guides against physical impacts, or they guarantee easy sterilizability for tools and instruments in the medical sector. So if it is about protective tubing systems, we will take well care of you – in a competent, comprehensive, and innovative way